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David J. Pollay

Thanks, LED Lighting Bulbs!

All the best,

Lighting Bulbs

This is very useful indeed. Will give it a go and spread the word about it.


The law of the garbage truck changed the way I look at life.

new york property investment

Well, consistency is a trait.

David J. Pollay

Thank you so much, Lauren, for your post. I'm so glad The Law of the Garbage Truck hit home for you. I also saw your very warm review of the book...thank you so much! Please stay in touch!

All the best,

David J. Pollay

Thanks, David! And I'm so glad you like Keith's book.

All the best,



I was recently given a copy of "The Law of the Garbage Truck" by a friend, and he also directed me here, to your blog. This post hit home for very many reasons-personal struggles with who I want to be, what I want to do, and all that "when I grow up" questioning of self and the future (at the youngish age of 29). Thank you for again affecting my psyche at just the right juncture to really focus on what I do well and to move forward instead of being scared.

David M. Schmidt

Recognizing my strengths is a stratedgy that I learned from David, and it has made all the difference in my life. I find myself happier in my career and life. Finding that something special truly can make all the difference. I enjoyed reading Keith's "Never Eat Alone." Great insight! Thanks David

David J. Pollay

Thanks, Mikey. Great to hear from you. I appreciate the note.

No surprise that Keith is being talked about at your company. His consulting firm, Ferrazzi Greenlight, has helped a ton of companies.

All the best,

David J. Pollay

Hi Max,

Good for you for locking in the "consistency" message. We often forget to return to our past for a look at just how good we have been at certain things all of our lives.

You'll really like Keith's books.

All the best,

David J. Pollay

Thanks, Lil. Keith is great. You'll learn a ton from him. He's great about helping you build strong and meaningful relationships with others.

All the best,

Mike Pollay

Great blog David. This is exactly what you have been teaching me by example my whole life. Thank you for continuing the dream.
And thanks for the heads up about Keith. I have heard of his books from some people in the corpporation I work for and I am told his work is synonymous with success.
Thank you for all the blessings,


Hi David,
Consistency! I need to concentrate on that aspect of my work and life. I think Keith Ferrazzi's books will help me do that. He is a person to emulate. Thanks for "Consistency," I will stay focused on what's important and in my control as you write in The Law of the Garbage Truck.
Thanks David. "Consistency" is the WORD. max


Thanks David for introducing me to Keith Ferrazzi. I'll look forward to reading his books. I'm intrigued by the titles. I gravitate to books that deal with the improvement of self in all circumstances of life. Thanks again. lil

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